Simultaneous cochlear implantation during translabyrinthine resection of Vestibular Schwannoma
“This study will address the feasibility of simultaneous cochlear implantation during resection of a vestibular schwannoma.”
This is a prospective study of patients undergoing a translabyrinthine resection for a vestibular schwannoma with intact hearing in the contralateral ear. During surgery, simultaneous cochlear implantation will be performed if the cochlear nerve can be identified and preserved during the resection.
Relevant data to be collected will include patient demographics, details related to the vestibular schwannoma including side, size, symptoms (specifically pre-operative hearing loss, degree of tinnitus), and status of hearing in the contralateral ear. Surgical details to be recorded will include the date of surgery, surgical time, and whether the cochlear nerve was identified and preserved. Details related to the post-operative course to be recorded include the length of stay in the hospital, post-operative complications such as wound infection or cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) leak, and the need for revision or additional procedures.
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